After Earning Over $4000 In The Last 90 days, Nigeria's Top KDP Publisher Makes Shocking Confession:

“I Almost Lost My Mother To The Cold Hands Of Death…, Before I Discovered A Simple “Dollar-Printing” System…”

Plus… You Too Can Start Earning $250, $550 Or Even $1000 Every Month With The “Dollar-Printing” System In Just 60 Minutes A Day!

$328 (#150,000+) using the "dollar printing" system in one month

  • Even if you’re NOT a writer, an author or you DON’T have previous “writing experience”…
  • Even if you failed English in secondary school (this isn’t even a requirement)…
  • Even if you’ve never sold or made a dime online before!

She woke up panting…

With a pounding headache and heart throbbing erratically as if to jump off her chest.

Her eyes were clouded as she could barely recognize where she was.

Breathless, she kept tossing and turning on the bed in agonizing pain.

She was having one of her frequent “crisis” again…

And it always left me heartbroken.

It was a nightmare for me to watch my lovely mum go through this cycle over and over and over again.

And this led me on a desperate journey that completely changed my life and the lives of 100s of Nigerians around the country (as you’ll see soon).

You see…

Back in 2016, when my dear mum – a woman who loved me unconditionally…

Who worked tirelessly, day and night just to sponsor me through school…

And who could literally sacrifice anything just to see me succeed in life…

…suddenly woke up – in the middle of the night – panting and gasping for air, I thought I was going to lose her.

I rushed into her room to calm her down…

But what I saw… I couldn't believe it and neither will you.

Mama… Mama.. Relax” I said I’m here now, everything will be okay…

But she could barely hear me and she couldn’t respond.

Her hypertensive crisis has gotten the better part of her this time around…

And it was the worst of all her battles so far (I can never forget that day).

Suddenly, I felt a terrible wave of shame rush over me…

I mean… this is my mum…

The kind-hearted woman that could sacrifice her own life for me.

The last source of hope I have left as I lost my dad years ago.

And seeing her, laying there in agonizing pain and frustration

I felt powerless and weak and useless in ways I’ve never thought possible.

The truth is…

This is not the first time she is having such an attack.

And her hypertensive crisis kept getting worse and worse because we couldn’t afford to treat it.

We couldn’t afford the expensive drugs the doctor asked us to buy.

And ever since I graduated from the university, life has been very tough for both me and my mum.

I was a graduate at that time, yet, I couldn’t secure a white collar job with my certificate.

I’ve gone job hunting a lot of times but with NO positive result

Considering how hard it is to secure a job in a messy country like Nigeria…

And how even the gurus in my class who graduated with excellent grades from the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University…  

Got treated like garbage when they submitted CVs seeking employment (because the system does NOT favor excellent grades anymore).

So I decided to work as a shop attendant…

Making a meager 10k salary per month for a living.

Of course it couldn’t sustain me and my mum.

But things got worse when my employer called me one day and…. 

With no explanation, no warning and for an offense I knew nothing about…

He told me I was FIRED!

I needed an explanation but he didn’t give me any.

And it was in this helpless situation that my mum had more frequent hypertensive crisis than ever before (Honestly, I sometimes think it was my fault).

With no source of income any more, hypertensive drugs like Amlodipine, Nifedipine, and Lisinopril were too expensive for us to buy.

Heck, we couldn’t even afford the basic 3 square meal per day.

And even our then neighbors were not willing to help.

Anyways, as she battled with her health on that dreadful night, I had a complete mindset shift and I couldn’t even go back to sleep.

I sat beside her bed… thinking about her frequent crises in these dark times… Imagining life without my dear mum…

Is this how it’s going to end?

Is this how I’ll watch the life of my dear mum slip away?

Just because I was broke to stupor?

Just because I couldn’t secure a job that could make me enough money to cater for our needs?

At that very moment…

A burning desire to make a lot of money – that will save me and my mother from this type of situation – kept building inside me.

So I made 2 drastic decisions that forever changed my life.

What were they?

1. I SWORE that I will never work under anyone who will suddenly decide to wake up one day and fire me (like my employer did)

2. And I promised myself never to be in a helpless situation like this one – where my mum was battling for her health and I couldn’t do anything to help.

In the months that followed…

I tried every possible means to legally earn good money independently, so I researched on the internet.

But this wasn’t my first attempt to make money online.

When I tried making money when I was still a shop attendant in 2016 (after seeing glowing testimonials from a lot of people on the internet)…

I fell for a ponzi scheme that drained the little money I had saved up for months as a shop attendant.

That was foolish of me and I regretted it a lot.

So when I was giving it a second try this time around…

I was skeptical of any opportunity I came across, so…

I had to do my personal, deep-dive research to make sure I didn’t fall into another Ponzi scheme.

Therefore, I…

Struggled a lot trying to find a legit way to make money especially when things weren’t going as planned…

  • For research, I watched hours of YouTube videos, read a lot of blogs and implemented what I could…
  • I also went hungry for days paying for the right information I needed to make it BIG online…

And while doing all of these…

I Finally Discovered A Simple "Dollar Printing" System That Paid Me In Dollars Every Month!

  • I no longer have to worry about where my monthly income was coming from….
  • I no longer have to worry about any of my loved ones falling sick anymore…
  • I no longer worry about looking for a job with the certificate I struggled to get…
  • And I began living the life I NEVER imagined possible.

Because I started hitting staggering figures like this one…

  • And this one too…
    • You’re a student who’s worried and frustrated about the crumbling education system…Starting today, YOU can do the same.

      And by “YOU” I mean…

    • You already have a job but you don’t mind making some extra money by the side…

    • You’ve tried other means of earning online but failed (just like me)…

    Or just anyone in between.

    Then this “dollar printing” system will work for you.

    And like I said earlier…

    • It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a laptop (your smartphone or iphone will do the work)

    • And it doesn’t even matter if NO one believes you’ll make it in life.

    Because in the past 12 months…

    I’ve shown many folks – who may not be as smart as you – this same “dollar printing” system…

    Many of whom were NOT writers, authors or publishers…

    But today, they get paid in dollars every month…

    And make just enough money to take good care of themselves and their loved ones.

    An example is Abdulmalik,

    He came to me as someone with a very tight schedule but wanted to make money for himself.

    I gave him the same “dollar printing” system I’m about to share with you…

    Soon enough, he learnt everything I taught, got to work and began publishing and selling books online.

    You can only imagine how happy he was when he sent me the message below…

    You’re a graduate who is tired of job hunting (just like I was) and is looking for an easier way to make money…You have a family to take care of and you’re looking for a way to make more money every month…It really doesn’t matter if you’re NOT a writer…  an author… or if you don’t have previous “writing experience”…It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been paid to sell a book online or you don’t have marketing experience…

And he has never looked back ever since.

Or what about this married woman who decided to give it a try.

She’s a busy mum whose husband was struggling to make ends meet and they were in depth and she needed to do something about it.

I showed her the exact steps to take and she did what I said.

And after 3 months of trying? She has this to say…

But this is not about them but solely about YOU.

It’s about how YOU too can take this “dollar printing” system, apply it, and start getting paid in dollars every month.

And in a minute, I’ll tell you all you need to get started today…

But First, Who Am I and Why Should You Care?


My name is Sani Zakari, popularly known as Coach Zaks.

I’m one of Nigeria’s Top KDP publishers with MORE than 5 years of experience in the industry.

I’m also the CEO and Co-Founder of Millionaires Academy (an Online Digital Skill Academy with over 2,000 students trained on digital skills without depending on the Government For jobs)

And I recently launched and became the CEO of a budding digital platform – SELLS ROCKET.


But as you’ve seen above…

I had my share of struggles when I was dead broke and almost lost my mum in the process…

Before I stumbled on the “dollar printing” system I’m about to share with you today.

This means, no matter what stage you are at right now, this “dollar printing” system will save you from any financial troubles you’re facing.

Now the question is…

What is this “dollar printing” system all about?Firstly, this is unlike anything you’ve seen online before.


Because it was established by the World’s 2nd richest man – Jeff  Bezos as far back as July 16th 1995.

And it’s called Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing [Amazon KDP for short].

And just so you know…Amazon KDP is a subdivision of the popular e-commerce platform; Amazon

And this special session allows you to publish ebooks, color books, hardcover books on various topics, etc…

Place it in front of eager-to-pay buyers from the U.S. U.K, Canada,etc (above 300 million people around the globe)… and keep selling these books like clockwork.

And mind you, this is the same business model Jeff Bezoz started with before growing Amazon to worth $1.19 Trillion as we know it today


Now, what type of books can you publish and how profitable can each book be?

Let me give a quick example with one of my best selling books.

You see… 

Over the years, I’ve created over 200 books which are currently selling on Amazon…

One of which is this one below..


An ebook with 4 out of 5 star ratings!

And I’ve sold this book to people from different regions around the globe.

This ebook is priced at $4.99.

This means, selling just 100 copies will be worth over $500.

Using the current #600/$ exchange rate…

That’s a whopping #300,000 from a SINGLE book!

And you can publish other types of books like cookbooks, coloring books for kids, weight loss books, summary books, e.t.c

No wonder Amazon pays its authors up to $450,000 in just one year!

In fact, top internet marketers are already talking about it.

Including Ronald Nzimora, The Godfather of Direct Response Marketing in Nigeria…

And the brains behind the success of the multi million Naira betting company : Naijabet

And Toyin Omotosho, the CEO of Expertnaire.

Even Akin Alabi, founder of the multimillion Naira betting company, Nairabet, and top internet marketer…

Uploaded his book on Amazon and is getting eager-to-pay buyers all the way from the U.S.

Now just imagine what a single book that makes you $1000 monthly can do for you;

  • You’ll be able to live life on your terms without working for any government.
  • You’ll be able to take good care of your loved ones and provide anything they need… anytime.
  • You’ll never have to worry about your monthly income source because your books keep selling every month!
  • You’ll be able to make a lot of money and prove the naysayers wrong… once and for all.
  • You’ll be able to JAPA from Nigeria – for a vacation or for the rest of your life – if you want.
  • You’ll be miles away from SAPA and any SAPADEMIC lifestyle.

But before you get too excited…

I have both good news and bad news for you.

You see…

I’ve been publishing books on amazon for over 5 years now…

And I’ve trained 100s of my students on how to do the same.

But over time…

They come to me complaining about one problem or the other. 

Problems like;  

  • I’ve published a lot of books but haven’t made a dime, what should I do?”
  • Which account is safe and secure to collect my KDP earning in Dollar without restrictions?
  • What is the right way to fill my tax requirement?
  • I’ve published a book for weeks now and not even one person has viewed it. How can I promote it?
  • How can I publish a book that will sell on a global scale even as a Nigerian?
  • How can I prevent my account from getting terminated and losing my earnings along with it?
  • How can I retrieve my account even after termination?
  • I’m using an iPhone, how can I publish my books successfully?
  • I used my original name as an author, will my book still sell?
  • How can I format my kindle book for mobile, tablet and Kindle readers?
  • And many challenges I can’t list here.

All this is because a lot of Nigerians know about this business…

But do it wrongly.


  • They rely on generic YouTube video guides on how to navigate Amazon KDP but miss certain important stepsall the time.
  • They publish books that lack specific keywords and formatting that will make their books sell like crazy.
  • They plagiarize other people’s content and keep spamming a particular niche with the hope of selling at the end of the day.
  • And many more pitfalls that will forever keep them stuck…

And end up violating the policies of Amazon and get their account banned.

Plus… they don’t know anything about the “dollar printing” system I want to hand over to you today.

That’s the bad news (and that shouldn’t be you).

The good news is…

I’ve gone through all these hurdles over the years…

Spent a lot of money trying to figure out how to solve each of them for myself.

Implemented what I learnt and got positive results

Showed my students how to go about it… and they got positive results too…

Like Muhammad below…


And Hamza…

And now…

I’ve compiled everything I learnt… 

Everything I showed my student…

And everything you need to make this money for yourself.

Refined it, revamped it, and packaged it into what I now call the…

Amazon KDP Accelerator Program!

A Beginner To Pro Guide On How To Create, Publish Books And Earn In Dollars With Just Your Smartphone Or Laptop.

This is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

And like the name implies…

It’s not just another random “course” out there…

It’s that and WAY MORE than that.

It’s a full-blown PROGRAM where I share everything I know about printing dollars from Amazon without holding anything back.

And after doing this for more than 5 years…

Be rest assured there are a lot of secrets, hacks and tactics I have discovered and I’m ready to hand it to you.

Or why do you think Nura said it’s going to breed a lot of millionaires by the end of 2023?


And why is Khalil calling it a life changer??

Plus…  here’s just a short list of what you’ll discover inside this program: 

Section 1: Opening An Account on Amazon KDP

You’ll discover:

  • The Right Way To Register An Account On Amazon KDP.

Here, you will be introduced into the amazing world of Amazon KDP…

And you’ll learn how to register and open an account the right way.

Because unfortunately, many people don’t even know how to do this simple first step…

And end up getting their accounts banned even before they start cashing out in dollars.

Which is why I’ll be showing you the right way to do this.

Plus…  you’ll also see how to Fill in Your Tax Details to easily collect your earnings in dollars.

He recovered his account after it was terminated

  • 2 Secret Ways to Get A Safe And Secured US Bank Account for YOUR Payment. (And YOU will Receive A Free $25 For Using The Second Method).

Remember I said you’ll be getting paid in dollars for your books, right?

And I’m sure you know you can’t use your Nigerian account to do that.

And even with the current restrictions the government has put to prevent you from getting this payment, you don’t have to worry about that.

Because this is where I show you, not just one… but 2 secret ways to set up a safe and secure account to receive your payments in dollars even with the government restrictions.

This will save you from the stress 90% of publishers go through before getting their hard earned dollars.

Section 2: Research And Book Creation

You will discover:

  • How To Get All My Approved Tools That My Students And I Are Using On Amazon

Believe it or not, you will hardly find these tools anywhere on the internet.


Because these are special tools my students and I use to fast track the entire process of publishing books that rake in crazy sales.

Not just that…

They also help us cut the time spent on Amazon in half

And you can simply use this tool to your advantage.


Plus you’ll also learn…

  • How To Research Best Selling Books To Write On. (So You Can Start Making Money As Soon As You Publish Your Very First Book).

Many newbies (and even experienced publishers) still struggle to do this.

And I always laugh when I see them try and fail shamefully.

Because using the simple steps I shared in this section of the program…

The research process of any given book becomes as easy as ABC.

And after using this same process to research on how to publish best selling books…

My own book became a bestseller too.

Making me earn solid six figures in naira every month.

And you’ll learn how to do this too.

Section 3: The Best Niches To Publish Books For Crazy Sales.

You will discover:

  • How To Create Books on Trending Topics and 5 Different Websites I And My Students Use In Generating Trends

One thing you should know about trending topics is…

If you master the rare ability of nailing just one hot trending topic…

And you’re able to quickly jump on it and create a book about it…

You’ll make a shit ton of money for as long as that trend lasts.

So the key is in pinpointing what I call “lifetime” trends.

And that is what I’m going to show you in this section.


  • How To Write Your Books Without Wasting N50,000 On Writers. 

Again, you don’t need to be a writer, an author or have previous “writing experience” for you to be able to publish books on Amazon.

And not just any random book, but profitable books that will make you cool cash every month …

Without wasting a single dime on writers.

This section of the program shows you exactly how to do it.

  • How to Create, Edit and Publish Your Books With The Use Of Your Mobile Phone. Yes! Mobile Phone. 

Many of my students have complained about how hard it is to create books using their mobile phone.

And some of them think they need a laptop to be able to do so (which is wrong)

Listen, publishing books with your smartphone is not as hard as you’re made to believe.

And in this section, I break down everything in simple steps so you can easily digest.

And yeah, It works for both Android and iPhone users.

  • How To Get Legit Book Reviews For Your Books.

95% of publishers ignore this, and that is why they keep publishing dozens of books without getting a tiny bit of exposure.

But you’ll see how to get any book you decide to publish reviewed the legit way…

Which will help you build credibility and trust with customers… increase book visibility and push your books to the front of the right audience and make you money along the way.

  • Access To Two PREMIUM Websites I and My Students use in Getting Summaries of Books.

You may not know this…

But summary books are an easy way to make sales on Amazon.


As you may know, people have a short attention span and are very busy. 

So they will love to learn about a large book in a concise way by getting the summary of it.

And by using the Premium Website in this section…

You’ll be able to create as much as 5 Summaries of Books/day and sell them on Amazon…

Without breaking any copyright policy.


Section Four: Optimization For More Profits

You will discover:

  • How To Rank Organically With My Killer Keyword Strategy

Without the right sets of keywords…

Your books will pass like a ship in the night, making you $0 in the process.

But by using the killer strategy I share in this section

You’ll be able to make your book stand out among the competition and rank very high for the right customers to see.

  • How to Run Profitable Amazon Advertisement

This is where the big boys play so you should pay attention to this section if you want to make it big in this industry.

After learning how to make your books rank organically…

You can decide to run ads to attract more eyeballs to it…

Which will increase the number of potential buyers… 

Thereby doubling… tripling… or even quadrupling your original profits from a single book.

I’ll show you exactly what to do in this section.

Is that all?

Definitely not!

Look, I didn’t mention this earlier…

But when I was creating this program…

My goal was to make sure you never fall into any road block at all.

And after seeing how a lot of newbies (especially Nigerians) struggle to make it BIG in this industry…

I decided I didn’t want that for any of my students.

Which is why – even though this program is already value-packed and worth more than any random course out there….

I’ve decided to throw in 6 amazing bonuses you’ll get for free.

But does that mean they are not valuable? 

Hell no!

Infact, the total cost of these bonuses is over #85,000…

But since I want you to get the best out of this program, then I am going to give them to you absolutely free!

That being said, here are the 6 bonuses you’ll be getting today:

Amazing Bonus 1: A Stash Of Premium Softwares For Speedy Operations

Do you know that most of the softwares you’ll need to speed up the process of book creation are paid?

Some may even require payment in dollars.

And with the constant problem around international payments from Nigeria, you may find it very hard to pay successfully.

But not to worry, because when you get the program today, you’ll be getting my stash of softwares for speedy operations all for free.

They include: 

  • How to Get Canva Premium for Free (Value – N10,000)

This will help you design attractive book covers to attract the right kind of audience that will buy your books.

  • How To Get Premium Quillbot For Free. (Value – N45,600/year)

This will help you format and paraphrase your book content to avoid plagiarism of other people’s content and getting your books rejected.

But there’s more…


Amazing Bonus 2: How To Remove The 30% Tax On Your KDP Account

If you’ve received money on Kindle, you’d know how annoying losing 30% of your hard earned dollar is.

Amazon deducts a 30% fee as tax monthly.

So imagine you make $1,000 ~ #600,000 in a month, Amazon will deduct 30%. 

30% of $1,000 = $300. 

This means, You will pay a tax fee of $300 ~ #200,000. 

So bad, right?. 


But don’t worry, when you get the program today…

I will show you how to remove the tax free LEGITLY. 

So you will have all your printed dollars in your bank account without any deduction.

And that’s not all…


Amazing Bonus 3: List Of Hot In Demand Topics That You Can Instantly Write A Book On Without Stressing On Keyword Research.

90% of publishers find it hard to get the right keywords to use.

But with this list of hot selling topics you’ll be getting for free when you get the program today…

You don’t need to go through the stress of keywords research before knowing what to publish your book on.

All you need to do is to pick a topic you like and start writing a book on it.

Best part?

These are very low competitive topics which are in demand in the market.

This list alone is worth at least N10,000.

But you’ll get it for free when you get the program today.

And you’ll also get…

Amazing Bonus 4: How To Instruct An Artificial Intelligence Robot To Write You A Book Completely in 10 minutes Tops… Without Writing Anything.

It’s no longer news that Artificial Intelligence is taking the world by a storm and the earlier you catch up with it the better.

This is why I made a short video dedicated to showing you how to Instruct an A.I robot to write a complete book in 10 minutes tops.

With this tool by your side, you can publish a lot of books in a single day and keep getting paid in dollars for as long as those books keep selling.

The value of this section is priceless but you’ll get it for free right now when you get the program today.

Amazing Bonus 5: Lifetime Access to my support Community where you will be able to get extra updates.

In this support community, you can ask any question you have while going through the program…

And get an immediate response.

And just in case you get confused about what step to take when creating or publishing your book…

Or you meet any roadblock along the way…

Or you just need expert advice on a particular topic…

Then this group will be there to serve your needs.

There, you’ll find experts who have been in the game for a long time and are always ready to help you through your problems.

This ensures that no one is left behind in the aspect of implementation.

Now access into this support group will normally cost you N25,000…

But you get into the group absolutely FREE as soon as you get the program today!

Now, here comes the question…

How Much Do You Think This Program Is Worth?!

I’ll tell you soon enough, but first…

Back in the day when my mum struggled to sponsor me through school…

I spent over #220,000 for school fees and other needs from 100L till final year.

And even after spending that amount, I couldn’t secure a job with my certificate.

I ended up as a shop attendant and still got fired.

But the funny thing is, most of my students are still undergraduate while some are married.

They don’t have a certificate yet, but they make between $200 – $1000 with the books they publish.

Like Khalil…

And Ibrahim too

How Much Do You Think This Program Is Worth?!


I’m well aware that the economy is not favorable and not a lot of Nigerians can afford to pay N220,000 for a program like this.

So you will not pay N220,000 which would be a very good bargain especially when you consider the fact that…

Your books can earn you 3X that amount in  months.

Like Hamza below…

And you’re not paying half of that which is N110,000.

Not even N90,000 which is the worth of the bonuses alone.

But to get access to The Amazon KDP Accelerator Program.


  • A Stash Of Premium Softwares For Speedy Operations. (Value – N30,000)
  • How To Remove The 30% Tax On Your KDP Account. (Priceless)


  • List Of Hot In Demand Topics That You Can Instantly Write A Book On Without Stressing On Keyword Research. (Value – N10,000)


  • How To Instruct An Artificial Intelligence Robot To Write You A Book Completely in 10 minutes Tops… Without Writing Anything. (Priceless)


  • PLR Income Generating Machine and Facebook Ads Course. (Value – N25,000)

And finally…

  • Lifetime Access To My Support Community Where You Will Be Able To Get Continuous Updates. (Value – N25,000)

All for a ONE TIME payment of…

$33 Only!

Oh wait, you haven't started earning in dollars yet. That’s a ONE TIME payment of just N25,000…(N600/$, pending the time I will be moving up the price.

Mind you, I don’t have time for fake urgency.

Considering the amount of work I put into creating this program…

And how I keep updating it…

I can’t say when I’m going to increase the price.

I can just decide to wake up tomorrow and…

Because of the constant testimonials I keep getting for my students on a daily basis…

I’ll end up increasing the price to a very high point to make it hard for the lazy folks to join.

Needless to say, 

If you’re interested, joining us now will be a good idea.

Also, you almost have nothing to lose!


You Are Covered With My Rock-Solid 60 Days Money-Back Guarantee!

Here’s the deal.

I want you to get the program right now and implement it.

If after you implement everything in the course and you still feel like you haven’t gotten full value for your money (which is highly unlikely)…

Then you can simply reach out to me…

Provide evidence that you did everything and it didn’t work.

Ask for a refund…

And I will send you a full refund immediately with an apology letter as well.

So you see, you have absolutely nothing to lose.

But please understand that you DON'T have to get this program!

You see…

This letter is almost finished and everything is now up to you.

You can finish reading this, leave this page and go on with the same life you’re living….

….with the risk of not getting a sustainable job in a messy country like Nigeria…

…..with the risk of you or your loved ones falling into one helpless situation or the other.

If you do that, more power to you, it’s your life my friend.

But before you do that, just think about it for a second…

What will change 29 days from now if you decide NOT to take action today?

Are you comfortable with the fact that you may never land a job that will pay you good money?

Are you happy knowing fully well that the future of you and your loved ones may be tied to a government that doesn’t even care about you?

Are you utterly and financially secure that you don’t need to make an extra $250,  $550 or even $1000 every month?

If your answer is “NO”…

Then you owe it to yourself to take advantage of this risk-free offer that’s right in front of you.

A rare opportunity to learn how to make money in dollars for yourself doing less work than 90% of struggling Nigerians out there…

That one chance to make as much as $1000 (for AS LONG AS YOU WANT) without anyone disturbing you…

Without the naysayers even knowing that you’re doing it…

Without any boss breathing down your neck or stressing your life with deadlines…

You can now become one of the successful Nigerian publishers who earns north of $1000 monthly…

And you can finally prove wrong those naysayers who once said you won’t make it in life.

And while doing so…

You are secretly channeling boatloads of cool cash into your bank account…

….making enough to live comfortably, take care of your needs and that of your parents and loved ones…


Sounds like what you want?

Click on the button below to get access and join the program NOW.

And immediately you click on that button….

You’ll be directed to a secure payment page where you will make your ONE TIME payment of #25,000

Once you’re done with that…

You will immediately receive a unique link to the PROGRAM and everything you need.

That’s it.

You’re in automatically!

See you soon.

Sani Zakari.

Still here?

Let’s do some Q & A then…………………….


Coach Zaks, I only have a phone and I don't have a laptop, do I need a special device to start making up to $1000 a month in Amazon KDP?

You DON’T need a laptop.

Your Android or iOS device will help you implement everything you’ll be learning…

So you can start hitting those 4-figures in dollars every month.


How long will it take before I start making money with this?

That’s actually a wrong question.

The right question is…

How hungry are you to start making money for yourself after enrolling for the program?

I have students who started making sales a few days after joining us…

While others took some months before making sales.


While others took some months before making sales

So you see, it all depends on how bad you want it.

As long as you implement what I show you, results are guaranteed.

But Coach Zak's, I have been scammed in the past and I'm afraid of losing my hard-earned money again, what can you say?

So you see, it all depends on how bad you want it.

You see, I totally understand you and it’s NOT your fault.

I myself was scammed by Ponzi schemes in the past and I regretted it a lot.

Which is why  I choose to make money from an international platform owned by the World’s 2nd Richest Man – Jeff Bezos…

So I will never be scammed again.

And if you’ve bought other course that didn’t work for you in the past… 

Be rest assured that this is not just another “random” course but a full-blown PROGRAM and it’s totally different from everything out there.

This is why THIS MY STUDENT can’t stop praising it in my DM:

Please Coach, I am not a writer. How can I publish and sell a book? I don't have any writing or marketing skills!

So you see, it all depends on how bad you want it.

You see, I totally understand you and it’s NOT your fault.

I myself was scammed by Ponzi schemes in the past and I regretted it a lot.

Which is why  I choose to make money from an international platform owned by the World’s 2nd Richest Man – Jeff Bezos…

So I will never be scammed again.

And if you’ve bought other course that didn’t work for you in the past… 

Be rest assured that this is not just another “random” course but a full-blown PROGRAM and it’s totally different from everything out there.

This is why THIS MY STUDENT can’t stop praising it in my DM:

After making payment, I hope you will guide me. Is there a place I can ask questions?

Sure, of course.

After making payment, you’ll get lifetime access to my support community where you can ask for guidance or ask any question at all.

This community costs #35k to join…

But you get it for FREE along with the program when you join today.


After making payment, I hope you will guide me. Is there a place I can ask questions?

Sure, of course.

After making payment, you’ll get lifetime access to my support community where you can ask for guidance or ask any question at all.

This community costs #35k to join…

But you get it for FREE along with the program when you join today.