You’re welcome to this mobile phone section of the course.

If you’re a mobile phone publisher, be sure to study those formulas in the course first before coming over to this phone publishing section. Those formulas cover the strategies and how to use them to publish on Amazon KDP. This part covers how to apply the strategies on your mobile phone. So it makes sense to watch those ones first before coming here.

Apps Need for Smartphone Publishing

Keyword Research with Smartphone

How to Generate Content Using AI with Smartphone 1

How to Generate Content Using AI with Smartphone 2

How to Check for Plagiarism Using Smartphone

Book Formatting With SMARTPHONE (GUIDE)

How To Format Your Book With Smartphone 1

How To Format Your Book With Smartphone 2

How To Design Book Cover for Kindle with Smartphone

How to Design Paperback Cover With Smartphone

How to Upload your Book with Smartphone